Arbony Floors: Beautifully Rustic Planks & Parquets

Arbony's French oak floor collections come in both solid wood and engineered options, making them suitable for laminated and underfloor heating systems. With 5 different age ranges, these boards vary in width, ranging from around 3.5 inches to 12 inches, and can extend up to 10 feet in length. When installed, this harmonious blend of different widths creates a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Whether you're styling a contemporary, minimalistic loft or a timeless, historic home, Arbony floors effortlessly harmonize with any environment and interior design style, preserving a sense of spatial balance.

Manoir Range

A range of authentically aged floors. Random wear marks on the surface of the wood and chipped edges create the thrill that only old materials can provide. The nuances of tints between the planks, as well as the accents of colours or discolourations, around the knots, characterise these absolutely unique boards.

Campagne Range

A range of floors aged and distressed by a unique process of natural wear and brushing. It reveals all the elegance in the depth and texture of the grain in this hard and noble wood. A process meant to showcase that this wood has and will stand the test of time.

Old-Factory Range

A range of floors made of heartwood that looks in every way like a real salvaged floor. Offered with metal inserts, the planks show many cracks, knots, planking marks, and old moisture stains. This imperfect selection is so unique that it shows why everything doesn't need to be exactly perfect ​

Residence Range

This flooring range presents a much more contemporary style, obtained by lightly brushing the surface which gives the boards a flat, regular and modern appearance while keeping the authenticity of the colours. This range of lightly brushed floor delivers an effect that is both contemporary and very warm.